Subtitled "Your Behind-the-Scenes Guide to the Most Exciting — and Unexpected — Jobs in Show Business", this breezy tome is more of a "how did" than a "how to" as it serves up enlightening (and "uncensored") interviews with thirty "industry insiders". Some of the names you'll recognize (Stan Lee, Leonard Maltin, True Blood's Sam Trammell), most you won't. For Hire Me, Hollywood! covers every link in the show biz food chain, from heads of network programming and senior talent producers on down to the guy who makes protein shakes for the stars.
Each interviewee (including at least three out participants: Dancing with the Stars costume supervisor Howard Sussman, creative director David Thomas and special effects artist Steven J. Scott) offers up their own stories of how they made it in their various fields. From nerve-racking first days on set to personal career triumphs (like being singled out for praise by none other than James Cameron), one tenet remains constant throughout: be passionate about what you do and things will happen for you. In other words, think of Hire Me, Hollywood! as a "How to Succeed in Show Business by Really Trying... and With a Little Bit of Luck!"
Hire Me, Hollywood! is now available
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